Design Gizmo

Design Gizmo

Design Gizmo featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Fluffy Bread

This pet bed redefines quality of furniture for pets, and contributes to a space for harmonious symbiosis of people and pets. The memory foam for human use and the structured velvet fabric lead to a fluffy, soft texture, satisfying the demand of pets for good comfort. The product designed as a sofa of a minimalist, elegant style fully embodies Italian aesthetics, and harmonizes with any home environment, whereby to help pets to feel a part of families and strengthen emotional connection between people and pets.

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Scratch Cave

Scratch Cave is a small cat furniture. People and cat can create their own way of playing. Its inspiration comes from the imagination of nature in childhood that people can place it like a toy corner and participate in the process of playing. Using natural materials and arc bridge shapes to awaken the natural instinct of cats about mountains, caves, and a sense of security. It has six times the scratch area of the ordinary cat scratchers, extending the service life and reducing the garbage. The packaging box is designed to be reused, which extends the cat sofa function as an accessory.

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When designing Catzz cat bed, the inspiration was drawn from needs of cats and owners alike, and need to unite function, simplicity and beauty. While observing cats, their unique geometrical features inspired the clean and recognizable form. Some characteristic behavioral patterns (e.g. ear movement) became incorporated into cat's user experience. Also, bearing owners in mind, the aim was to create a piece of furniture they could customize and proudly display. Moreover, it was important to ensure easy maintenance. All of which the sleek, geometrical design and modular structure enable.

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Mew Gic

Mew gic is a pet furniture that can be DIY and can be installed indefinitely without nails. Every user is a creator. They can choose the number of plates and sisal columns to assemble according to their needs. The shape of the assembly is also based on their ideas. Realize, bring users endless fun of DIY. Each board is the same, allowing customers to experience the process from 1 to infinity, allowing consumers to become creators of innovative practices

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Cone Bowl was created to nurture good habits in pets, acting as a physical and psychological guide for feeding and drinking properly, safely and with discipline. The shape of the object was researched to benefit both pets and owners, promoting slower feeding times and preventing water spillage. A single unique form is usable for both purposes depending on orientation.

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The Mocats (Modular Cacoons for Cats) are modular elements for feline environmental enrichment and are made up of a series of pieces of Cardboard and Plywood, joined by an internal structure. The cardboard pieces form the floor, the ceiling, and the internal walls of the modules; while plywood pieces form the internal structure and external walls. This multifunctional and eco-friendly furniture, allows cats to scratch, climb, hide, observe, sleep, and play; and can adapt to the different lifestyles and spaces within the homes.

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